
Corporate, property and income tax rates are an important factor when deciding where to do business. We think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

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State Sales Tax

Not many states can boast about their tax structures. North Carolina is ranked as one of the top 10 in the nation in the State Business Tax Climate Index, and our state’s corporate income tax rate is the lowest in the Southeast. North Carolina has even voted to zero out the corporate income tax completely by the year 2030. North Carolina has one of the lowest state and local business tax burdens and one of the lowest effective tax rates for mature corporate headquarters.

The state’s corporate income tax rate, which is already the lowest in the nation at 2.5 percent, will be reduced to 2.25 percent in 2025, 2 percent in 2026, 1 percent in 2028, and zeroed out entirely starting in 2030. Assuming the corporate income tax is phased down to zero as enacted, North Carolina is on track to be one of only three states—with South Dakota and Wyoming—levying neither a corporate income tax nor a statewide gross receipts tax. Source: Tax Foundation